[Guest Post]: Weird Writing Quirks by Collin Glavac, the author of a spy thriller “Ghosts of Guatemala”

My today’s guest is a thriller author, Collin Glavac. His spy thriller “Ghosts of Guatemala” was published in November 2019.

Collin Glavac’s Weird Writing Quirks

I’ve been writing for a long time now, and I suppose I was bound to develop some strange habits along the way. Here is a weird list of my writing quirks:

Fingerless Gloves: I like to wear fingerless gloves when I write because they keep my hands warm and add a bit of protection but mostly because they make me feel super cool. Sometimes I light incense or candles so I get a mystical vibe going on too.

Coffee: I like to have a steady IV drip of coffee going. Tea is also acceptable. While the nectar of the gods flows, so do the words. I also keep water at my desk because drinking coffee doesn’t quench my thirst, so I sort of alternate between the two. Surprisingly, I don’t need snacks while I write (but snacks are always good, let’s be real). My guilty treat is late-night coffee. I write some really weird stuff when that happens.

Hoodie: I really like writing with my hood up so I feel all hunkered-down when I hit the keys. I sometimes wear a cloak as well to really bundle up, and sit cross-legged in my chair. I stopped being self-conscious about how this looks a long time ago.

Headphones: Big noise-cancellation over-the-ear headphones are key. I listen to whatever will keep me in a flow and rid me of distraction, but I need up-tempo stuff to keep me moving. I wish I could say I listen to beautiful sweeping fantasy soundtracks but I actually find trashy pop music to be the best thing to listen to while I write.

Tech: Besides headphones tech-wise, I also LOVE my mechanical keyboard and dual monitor setup. I like to bang my keys so each letter feels like a hammer working at an anvil. My mechanical keyboard (blue switches, thank you very much) make me feel like I’m typing on an obnoxious typewriter. It’s great, although not for anyone unfortunate enough to be in the next room over. Once I upgraded to a dual screen setup there was no going back. I keep my writing document on my primary screen and use the secondary screen to display my notes, music, and any research I need to pull up. It is chef’s kiss perfect.

So there you have it, my weirdo writing quirks. Basically, I look like a gremlin in a cave when I write. Don’t worry what you look like when you write! And honestly, what I’ve learned to appreciate most is being able to write without any of these things. This is a wishlist. I used to only write when inspiration came, and I realized how much I was limiting myself. Inspiration doesn’t always come, and it only chains you to the muse. I think it’s important to murder your muse so you can write anywhere, anytime, with only a pen and paper if need be (yes, even without coffee).

What are your weird quirks? Happy writing! 🙂

About the Book

Genre: Spy Thriller

Date Published: 25th November 2019

Who can you trust when corruption and danger are a way of life?

The CIA never left Latin America, and is facing catastrophic blackmail at the hands of an erratic Guatemalan drug lord: the infamous patrón of Antigua – Pablo Puentes. Desperate for a swift solution, the agency calls in their black operative fixer: John Carpenter.

John is a cold-blooded professional ready for the job. But the mission doesn’t have a simple fix. Pablo has a disastrous kill switch in place.

John is still haunted by the mysterious death of his best friend who died on a far too similar mission, and now is uncertain about how much he can trust his handler or his sensual partner.

Back at the agency, tensions are running hot as the stench of corruption is growing to a boiling point. If things aren’t put to rights – and soon – the entire mission will go up in flames and take the CIA down with it.

Only John Carpenter can bring this drug lord to justice and get the answers he deserves.

Because this mission is personal…

If you like the relentless tension of Daniel Silva and the gritty reality of Lee Child then you’ll love this first book in the John Carpenter Trilogy.

About the Author

Collin Glavac is a Canadian born actor and writer who lives in the province of Ontario Canada. He has written, directed and acted in two original stage plays, In Real Life, and LoveSpell. He completed his Dramatic and Liberal Arts B.A. and M.A at Brock University.
Ghosts of Guatemala is his first novel.
Collin loves hearing from readers, so please don’t hesitate to contact him by email at: collinglavac@gmail.com

Contact Links

Website: http://www.collinglavac.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Collin-Glavac-Books-1121304391410779

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CollinGlavac

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48946944-ghosts-of-guatemala

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collinglavac/

Purchase Links

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ghosts-of-guatemala-collin-glavac/1135107120?ean=2940163708420

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/ghosts-of-guatemala

iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1489118360


eBook or signed copy


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