[Book Review]: The Edge of Empire by Stephanie Amey

About the Book

Genre: Historical Fiction, Historical Murder Mystery

Publisher: Northodox Press

Release Date: 30th April 2024

AD 170 Banna Fort, Hadrian’s Wall

Two soldiers are seemingly murdered by the holy men of a cult that was wiped out by the Romans a century earlier. Newly promoted officer Aurelius Petrus and Centurion Julius Maximus are tasked with finding the murderers.

The Roman Army seek a quick resolution to the brutal crimes, which have unsettled the communities within the fort and its surrounding areas. Their search takes them across the wild regions inhabited by the Carvetti people. And Petrus must battle against the fiercest of enemies.

About the Author

Stephanie Amey has worked in such diverse professions as chemistry teacher, scientist, water engineer and health & safety adviser. She worked in Yorkshire, Kenya, and Guatemala before settling in Norfolk. She has previously published two novels Holloway 8632 and An Honourable Man.
Born in Widnes, Steph lived in Brampton for several years as a child, vert close to Hadrian’s Wall, and this is where her interest in Roman Britain began. Her latest novel The Edge of Empire is a thriller, set on Hadrian’s Wall during the Roman occupation. Now, she spends her time horse riding, reading thrillers, volunteering as a Magistrate and, of course, writing. She is currently working on the sequel to The Edge of Empire.

My review

4* Stars

The Edge of Empire by Stephanie Amey blends two of my favourite genres: murder mystery and history of Ancient Rome. So, how could I miss such a read?

Set at Banna Fort, one of the remote outposts of the Roman Empire, the novel starts with a brutal murder of two Roman soldiers. Aurelius Petrus, Optio of the fort, and Centurion Julius Maximus are sent to investigate. At first, the case looks pretty straightforward as the murderers left numerous clues, pointing out the members of the druids’ cult. However, the Roman Army wiped out the druids many decades ago.

While Maximus is rushing to blame the local “holy people” whom he’s found and executed without a trial, Petrus is not convinced. When dead bodies start to pile up around him, and Petrus’ own life is in danger, he needs to race against time to find the real murderers and discover a much bigger conspiracy behind the case.

The novel is meticulously researched and paints a vivid picture of everyday life in Roman Britain. The narrative is well-balanced with historical details and fast-paced plot. The plotline has many twists and turns, and the ending is unpredictable, too. The mystery keeps a reader on the edge all the time. I particularly like the love story subplot with the conspiracy, closely linked to it. 

I give the book four stars because to me, the main character feels a bit too flawless. An ideal soldier, Optio, husband, and father, Aurelius Petrus seems too good for a Roman. Soft with his subordinates, respectful towards the locals, women, and even slaves, his methods and attitude suit more for an officer of the 21st century. Julius Maximus and Prefect Silvius Tatius feel more genuinely Roman to me.

Overall, The Edge of Empire is a fast-paced, captivating read. I recommend it to everybody who likes Roman history with a bit of an edgy thriller. I look forward to the sequel.

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[Book Excerpt]: Another short excerpt from my dark, nautical sci-fi/thriller “Dive Beyond Eternity”

Genre: Sci-fi, Thriller

Publication date: 20th July 2023

Publisher: Northodox Press

Zara Rose, a World War II naval historian, investigates a mysterious German U-Boat, discovered in the North Sea and carrying a deadly secret–a Nazi super weapon able to split time and space, creating a labyrinth of multiple realities.

From Chapter Six

Glancing around, Zara realised she stood in the middle of a concrete tunnel some fifty to sixty feet high. Its dark walls were almost invisible behind the lines of arm-thick cables, wires, and pipes. The thudding noise of some heavy machinery, the clang of tools, metal on metal, the high-pitched buzzing of high-voltage electricity running through the cables.

What was this place? An underground factory? A dry dock? She noticed a narrow miniature railway track, leading deeper into the tunnel’s throat, used by miners to transport coal and other minerals.

She was walking along the track when a shadow materialised from the darkness ahead of her. The light blinked, crackling and ready to extinguish. A cold draft of air ran along the tunnel, fetching the smell of strong chemicals, forcing Zara to cough. The light subsided, and for a few seconds, she couldn’t see a thing.

With a bright flash, a male figure morphed in front of her. Dressed in greasy overalls and a high-visibility jacket, the man looked painfully familiar.

‘Father?!’ Zara screamed, recognising his deep, dark eyes and neatly trimmed beard in the dimly lit space.

He looked some twenty, twenty-five years younger than she remembered him, but the similarity was unmistakable.

The man dropped the wrench he held in his hand and ran.

Zara screamed again, following him into the depth of the tunnel. ‘Dad? Dad! Stop! Please… Where are you going? Why are you running? Please, wait.’ She screamed. Tears ran down her cheeks, stinging her eyes.

The tunnel seemed like it had no end. The humming and other colliding sounds made her almost deaf. She tripped a couple of times but kept running. The quicker she ran, the further the figure moved away from her.

The air became unbearably hot. It sounded as if some gigantic beast inhaled and exhaled heavily.

The figure had disappeared behind the next turn, and Zara found herself in front of a crossroad with a wide square pillar of concrete in its centre. Wrapped in thick cables and wires, the pillar glowed with an electrical current passing through it.

Where had he gone? And what was she supposed to do now? Zara panicked, noticing another shadow form the silhouette of a man in a black SS tunic with an officer’s cap.

He appeared from nowhere, materialising from the darkness of the tunnel. She tried to distinguish his features, but it was too dark. She stared at him unblinking, but his features seemed ever-shifting. Was he young or old? Large or slim? She couldn’t say. Just a ghostly spirit in an abandoned industrial purgatory.

‘Who are you?’ She finally asked, wiping her tears, surprised how loud her voice sounded, reverberating all across the tunnel.

The shadow grinned. His dazzling, disturbing white smile was so out of place with the grey-brown surrounding. His black cap sat low on his head, his eyes undiscernible.

‘Der Meister.’ He grinned even wider.

With a metallic clang, a sliding door opened in the centre of the pillar. Der Meister made an inviting gesture.

‘What’s there?’ Zara frowned. ‘Behind this door?’

‘Schmerz und Wiedergeburt.’

‘Pain and rebirth?’ Zara mumbled.

The man just kept on grinning, gesturing to the door.

What if her Dad was there? Zara took a step closer but saw only pitch-black oblivion behind.

Der Meister’s smile never rested. His face warping into a motionless, featureless mask.

Zara took a step inside, an unknown force pulling her further in. The metal door slammed shut behind her. A minute of complete darkness followed by another. Only the familiar monotonous humming of a six-cylinder diesel engine surrounded her. The thought came from nowhere.

The white light flashed again, and an immense hall with a vaulted ceiling revealed itself to her. She twisted around, taking in the vista. Human-size glass pods stretched along the walls, spanning from floor to ceiling as far as she could see. A system of wires, cables, and metal pipes gurgled and hissed.

Zara moved closer to the nearest pod. A disembodied scream rippled through her like a shockwave. Through the thick glass, she could see a creature: half-human, half-machine. Its pale grey naked body looked fossilised. The spine protruded through its paper-like skin so much that Zara could distinguish every single vertebra and joint of cartilage.

Unable to perceive whether the creature was a male or a female, nor did its fetus-like position in the pod reveal any clues to Zara. Long, thick needles protruded out of its bald head, connected to pipes in its nose. A snout-like maw grafted on into a pipe. Or was the creature wearing some kind of mask? Despite its closed eyes, the scene left no doubt the creature was alive. Deformed and deteriorated, it looked like a surreal, psychotic, and nightmarish H. R. Giger painting.

She moved from one pod to another in silent horror. The sound of the engines resonated louder and louder.

She swallowed a surge of nausea. Were they charging the engine or did the engine keep them alive?

Some twenty paces in front of her, she noticed a concrete pad in the centre of the walkway. A black amorphous sack hung from the ceiling above it. She could have sworn it wasn’t there when she entered the hall. Coming closer, the sack revealed itself to be covered in pulsating veins and yellowish slime, beating like a phantom organ.

The engines stopped abruptly and the sack burst. With a loud wet splash and a slap of disgorged flesh, the naked body of a man hit the concrete pad. His fetal form was nubile yet athletic, covered in a placental slime. Its skin vibrated a halogen-white glow, highlighting his platinum-blond hair.

Zara couldn’t help but compare this creature to an angel descending into this biomechanical hell.

With a supersonic bang, the hall submerged into darkness.

Intrigued and want to know more?

Purchase your copy:

Northodox Press






[Book Review]: The Fatal Formula by Malcolm Havard (The Aidan Hughes Series Book 2)

About the Book

Genre: True Crime, Thriller, Noir

Publisher: Northodox Press

Release Date: 21st October 2023

Aidan Hughes is a wanted man, for a murder he didn’t commit, and now Manchester’s most ruthless gangster wants him dead.

Fresh from his confrontation with The Honey Talker, Aidan seeks anonymity in Ireland, and has settled into a cosy life with girlfriend, Roisin. But when an old colleague, Suzie Regen, reaches out in desperation, he is pulled into a new mystery.

Rumours of a chemist with a penchant for poison and contract killing draw Aidan back into the dark underbelly of Manchester to face this deadly new foe. But has he met his match? And can survive this fatal game?

About the Author

Malcolm grew up in Sheffield, has lived and worked in Australia and the Middle-East but now lives in Cheshire, England. He is a prolific and award-winning author who writes both novels and short fiction. He has, in the past, worked in a variety of genres.
Despite the variety, all have a similar DNA containing strong, often flawed but believable characters and telling great stories. His current body of work include the mountaineering thriller, The Last Mountain, a 1950s Spy novel, Contrail and Touched, a haunting novel about love and loneliness.
He has now found a niche writing historical fiction usually with an aviation background but also writes historical crime fiction.

Website: https://www.malcolmhavard.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MalHavardWriter

My review

5* Stars

The second book in Malcolm Havard’s hard-boiled thriller/noir series set in Manchester (rightfully nicknamed “GUN-Chester” in the late ‘90s) brings a reader back to Aidan Hughes and his unfinished business with Mickey Smith, the most notorious gangster in the city. Aidan, a former journalist and now a wanted man for a murder he didn’t commit, has no choice but to return to the crime capital of the North from his cosy and relatively safe life in rural Ireland to prove his innocence and find out why one of his former colleagues and close friends has betrayed him.

Aidan has no time, though, as Mickey Smith craves vengeance and, this time, it seems like he’s got an even more powerful weapon to use. Now, Aidan needs to team up with his friend Suzie Regen and her new colleague, a young journalist, Paul Adeyemi to solve a new mystery of Der Chemiker, a poisoner whose skills Mickey Smith uses to keep his victims under control and his dirty business going.

The Fatal Formula is a rare occasion when I enjoyed the second book more than the first one (hence, my 5-star review). The pace is fast and well-balanced, just as required for a good thriller. The author brings a few more characters to the plot that makes it even more intricate and twisty with more back story to follow. Aidan shows his new, gritty, more stubborn but confident side.

The book ends on a cliffhanger (sort of) which I absolutely love as it promises more of Aidan’s adventures in the next one. As well as in the first book of the series (The Honey Talker) I enjoyed the northern flavour of the story with accented dialogues and true northern slang.

I highly recommend The Fatal Formula to all fans of crime fiction and fast-paced thrillers with a hint of history.

To read my review of The Honey Talker click this link:

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[Release Blitz]: Echo from a Bayou by J. Luke Bennecke

Genre: Thriller

Date Published: 8th August 2023

A high concept suspense thriller of adventure and betrayal with a supernatural twist.

After a freak skiing accident puts him in a coma, John Bastian awakens with memories of a past life as Jack Bachman. Unshakable visions of treasure, a violent ax attack, and a vibrant red-headed woman consume his thoughts, propelling him toward a dangerous future that feels as inevitable as his past.

John embarks on a journey to Louisiana, where all the new memories as Jack center, to find answers and confront the man who murdered him in his past life. As danger lurks at every turn, John must fight for survival and protect those he loves before a hurricane hits.

This page-turner is full of twists and turns that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Experience the thrill of ECHO FROM A BAYOU and discover the truth about John’s past life in this exciting novel.

“What can I say about this fantastic novel? The pacing is amazing. The action starts on the first page and only gathers momentum from there. Bennecke knows exactly where to drip-feed information and where to cut it off to keep readers hooked without being frustrated. The setup is taut. Who could resist searching for another life? One that held true love, adventure, and a fortune in gold? The premise is so intricate and uniquely executed. It’s the kind of story you can jump on board with immediately.” – Independent Book Review

About the Author

J. Luke Bennecke is a veteran civil engineer with a well-spent career helping people by improving Southern California roadways. He has a civil engineering degree, an MBA, a private pilot’s certificate, and is a partner in an engineering firm. He enjoys philanthropy and awards scholarships annually to high school seniors.
In addition to his debut novel, bestseller and award-winning thriller Civil Terror: Gridlock, Luke has written several other novels and screenplays, a creative process he thoroughly enjoys. His second Jake Bendel thriller, Waterborne, was published in 2021 by Black Rose Writing and received several awards. Echo from a Bayou is his latest suspense thriller with a supernatural twist, available August 2023. He is currently pitching the third Jake Bendel thriller and editing his fifth novel.
Luke resides in Southern California with his wife of 32+ years and three spunky cats. In his leisure time he enjoys traveling, playing golf, voiceover acting, and spending time with his grown daughters. Bennecke is a member of International Thriller Writers and looks forward to attending ThrillerFest every year in New York.

Contact Links

Website: https://www.jlukebennecke.com/echobayou

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jlukebennecke

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jlukebennecke

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[Live Reading]: Reading from Dive Beyond Eternity

My new sci-fi/thriller novel Dive Beyond Eternity was released on 20th July by Northodox Press . Follow me on Instagram for more updates and readings.

Order your copy

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[New Release Blitz]: Hel by Gitte Tamar

Genre: Horror, dark fantasy, psychological thriller, fiction, occult

Date Published: 17th July 2023

After losing his job at a genomic research company, Joel worries about his ability to provide for his family, especially during the holiday season. Even more concerning is how his unemployment may affect his perfect image within the extremist community he has lived in since birth. Lured by the idea of a quick fix, he impulsively books a flight for himself and his family to Europe when the offer of a large inheritance arrives in his inbox.

Confident that he knows best, Joel blindly trusts a stranger’s invitation to return to the village of his ancestors to collect his birthright. But rather than wealth, they quickly discover that their lineage only possesses monstrous truths with deadly consequences.

About the Author

Brigitte, “Gitte,” Tamar was born in a small rural Oregon town. Growing up, she was enthralled by scary tales featuring poetic tones and consistently gravitated towards writing darkened narratives. In the different storylines, Brigitte explores the harsh realities of social issues faced by today’s generations. This includes the dark outcomes brought on by peer pressure, addiction, homelessness, mental illness, childhood trauma, and abuse. She feels it is essential to share narratives that refrain from sugarcoating the topics society tends to shy away from.

Contact Links 

Website: https://www.brigittetamar.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brigittetamar

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/brigittetamar

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brigittetamar

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22065458.Gitte_Tamar

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/gitte-tamar

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[Release Day. Excerpt]: Dive Beyond Eternity is out today!!

It’s a release day for my dark, nautical, reality-bending sci-fi/thriller Dive Beyond Eternity. To celebrate it, I want to post here the first chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter One


Boston, U.K.
Present day

The small research vessel rolled pitched wildly on the storm swell of the North Sea, the horizon disappearing beneath the dull waters. An armada of heavily pregnant clouds advanced from the west, readying their attack, giving no ground to the eternal blue sky or permitting the sun to penetrate their thick grey armour.

Zara never felt seasick. In fact, the long drive from Portsmouth to Boston, to reach the wreck, exhausted her more than a few hours in the pre-storm sea. She daydreamed that in a previous life, she could’ve been a mermaid, or a pirate, or maybe a submarine captain.

She squinted, tasting the salty spray on her lips as she observed the mission’s progress. The gusting wind punched the small boat, jerking it to and fro in a maddening waltz.

‘The dive is taking much longer than I expected.’ Anita Patel, the team’s sonar specialist, interrupted Zara’s thoughts. ‘I informed Professor Milne we’ve never worked with such a large object before, but he insisted.’

‘Looks like the storm is approaching much faster than we planned,’ Zara mumbled in reply. ‘The sea is too rough.’

She also wondered about Professor Milne’s strange choice of divers. Instead of summoning the university’s usual contractors, he had employed a random company they knew little about.

Perhaps he wanted to keep the mission low profile. Discovering this dark underwater shape, mysteriously buried in a sandbank, sounded like science fiction. And yet the professor had agreed with North Waters Offshore that it could be of interest to the university and had sent Zara to investigate.

‘What do you want me to do?’ Ms Patel stared at Zara, waiting. ‘Do you want me to call off the operation right now or –?’

‘How much time do we have?’

‘About an hour’s worth of oxygen in the divers’ tanks.’

Zara fixed her eyes on two monitors, watching the remotely operated vehicle – ROV -transmitting underwater video from the darkness.

For the last hour, the two divers had been trying to clean the layers of sand away from the wreck, using a specialised pressurised air hose. The sonar monitored the location of the wreck over a hundred-foot radius, and there was no mistaking in distinguishinging shape of the U-boat. Her three-bladed propeller, small conning tower, periscope, antennae, snorkel, and hydroplanes.

‘There’s one thing we know for sure – this is a U-boat.’ Zara exclaimed, shifting her gaze from the sonar to the camera screens and back. ‘U-4713/A,’ she read the number on the conning tower aloud. ‘This is a rather unusual number. 4713/A? Where did you come from?’

‘She looks like she left port yesterday,’ Anita said. ‘Look. The hull’s rubber coating is undamaged. No signs of sea life’s interference. There’s no debris around her either.’

‘No signs of torpedo impact or a strike by a mine.’ Zara nodded. ‘Nor implosion from within.’

‘Pete, Ivor… can you get closer to the rock?’ the supervisor asked the divers, turning to the screen. ‘We need to see the surface where it meets the hull.’

Ivor gave a thumbs-up signal, dragging the the pressurised air hose to the rock where it met the submarine.

‘Can you see this?’ Ivor’s slightly accented voice sounded from the radio. His camera moved closer to the hull.

Even in the murky water, Zara and Anita could distinguish no damage to the U-boat.

‘It looks like she’s growing straight out of the rock! How on earth?’ Anita shot an anxious look at her colleague.

‘I have no idea, but…’ Zara trailed off in thought. ‘The only way to know is to glimpse inside,’ she said finally. It sounded like a huge favour to ask, far too dangerous, far too risky, and outside of the company’s regulations, but it seemed like the only way to clarify her theory.

‘I’m sorry, Miss Rose, but I can’t put my people at risk,’ Anita said. ‘Professor Milne agreed that only—’

Zara exhaled. ‘I understand. Safety first.’

Anita had made it crystal clear she wasn’t ready to sacrifice her divers and the company’s equipment for the sake of her crude scientific guess.

The wind whipped Zara’s hair over her face, thunder rolled in the distance. ‘The storm’s approaching. We have to leave.’

Anita nodded and commanded the divers, ‘Guys, return to the boat. We’re leaving.’

‘Give us a minute,’ Pete’s low voice crackled from the radio. ‘I just want to film the conning tower’s hatch a bit closer.’

‘Can we have a clear image of the propeller, please?’ Zara asked the second diver, before turning to Anita. ‘Markings on the blades can indicate where the propeller was manufactured and which shipyard assembled the vessel.’

Ivor acknowledged, ‘Copy that.’

The two women watched the diver cleared sand from the hatch’s handle. The screen blinked into complete darkness.

‘Pete?’ Anita bellowed. ‘Pete, what’s going on? Your camera’s offline.’ She squeezed the radio but heard nothing.

The second camera seemed to have frozen as well.

‘A technical issue?’ Zara shifted on her feet.

‘Pete? Ivor? What’s going on? Where’s Pete?’ Anita almost screamed.

Zara grabbed Anita’s shoulder and stared at the screens.

‘Ivor? Pete?’ Anita repeated, turning the radio’s volume to maximum.

‘I’m not sure.’ Even through the radio’s interference, Zara could hear Ivor’s panic. ‘Pete was right here a second ago—’

The second screen blinked into darkness. The radio fell silent. Only. the sound of the approaching storm howled around them.

Purchase Links:


Northodox Press:

Paperback: https://www.northodox.co.uk/product-page/dive-beyond-eternity-paperback

Ebook: https://www.northodox.co.uk/product-page/dive-beyond-eternity-ebook

Waterstones: https://www.waterstones.com/book/dive-beyond-eternity/valeriya-salt/9781915179210

[Book Blitz]: In the Shadow of the Kingmakers by Vahid Imani

Genre: Historical Mystery, Thriller

Publication Date: February 2019

In this historical thriller inspired by true events, a British espionage plot spirals out of control—with devastating consequences.

It’s the aftermath of World War I and imperialist powers jostle for influence in Tehran, capital of Persia and heart of the Middle East. James Malcolm is a ruthless British spy set on undermining his American and Russian rivals, but when an act of sabotage escalates into an international incident, the kingmaker becomes the pawn.

Rose Pearce works in the English Consulate with her friend Ali, a sweet boy of fourteen. Their simple existence is shattered the day Ali shares the details of a troubling conversation he’s overheard. Rose encourages him to stick to what he knows best: serving tea and trimming roses in the consulate gardens, but Ali is filled with a sense of duty and takes matters into his own hands, changing their lives forever.

Caught in the shifting sands of shadowy espionage, international agendas, and a lust for Western dominance at all costs, James, Rose, and Ali must fight for what they believe in—if they manage to survive at all.

In the Shadow of the Kingmakers is a vivid, heart-stopping exploration of a moment in history that shaped the world we know today.

About the Author

Vahid Imani was born in Tehran, Iran, and made the United States his home in 1979. He earned his master’s degree in 1980 from Gonzaga University’s School of Business in Spokane, Washington. At the turn of the century, he transitioned to the world of fine arts after a career in high-tech as a business executive. His opinions and insights about arts, history, and international politics have been shared in articles, public lectures, and mass media.

In 2014, he debuted as an author with his award-winning middle-grade novel “Naji and the Mystery of the Dig”.

In February 2019, he released his historical thriller, “In the Shadow of the Kingmakers”. In May 2020, he released his memoir, “Like the Wind I Go, A memoir of Iran, America, my struggle to freedom”. Imani is the father of three children, grandfather of three, and lives with his wife in California.

Contact Links

Website: http://www.najistories.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/najistories

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NajiStories

Purchase Link

[Guest Post]: Character Development Techniques by Daniel V. Meier, Jr., the author of Guidance to Death

My today’s guest is Daniel V. Meier Jr. His murder mystery Guidance to Death (Book One in the Frank Adams series) was released in May by BQB Publishing. Daniel is talking about his techniques of characters’ creation and development.

Character Development Techniques

Characterization can be tricky. The author does not want to ‘tell’ the reader what the character looks like, they wants to let the reader get to know him.  Following are a few techniques that makes it easier.

1. Spy

A great way to know your characters more intimately is to see how they behave when they think no one is watching. The easiest way to do that is simply to spy on them.

Watch your protagonist through a window or plant a hidden camera—whatever works for you. You’ll see his private moments as he goes unsuspectingly about his business at home. 

  • What are his morning and bedtime rituals?
  • What are his secret snacking habits? Late night?
    In the car?
  • What does she try to get away with when no one
    is looking?
  • What websites lure him away from his workday?

2. Zoom In

Follow your character anywhere he goes—cafés, parks, the office, the gym—and fire up your X-ray. What just arrested her attention, repulsed her, alarmed her, made her smile? What is she fiddling with in her purse? Pills? Pepper spray? 

3.  Follow the money

You can tell a lot about a person from his choice of products. Are his cleaners additive-free, organic and compostable, or rubber-glove and gas-mask-requiring germ-annihilators? Does he buy only the brand that’s on sale, regardless of whether it’s what he really wants? Does he own 14 kinds of cologne, or one signature scent?

4. Gossiping

Catch your character’s friends, co-workers and family at a party, in the break room, or at a reunion and get them talking. You might develop entirely new perspectives on your character’s relationships, choices, issues and untapped potential—including things your character doesn’t even know herself.

Who can she trust? Who happily trash talks her at the drop of a hat.

Ask what your character:

  • is like when he’s mad
  • was like when she was younger
  • is good at
  • is bad at
  • needs to do to fix his life
  • takes too seriously
  • doesn’t take seriously enough
  • has going for her
  • has working against him.

5. Eavesdropping

When we’re at a loss for putting words in our characters’ mouths, that’s often when it’s time to stop thinking and start listening. 

If your character does her heavy communicating in a private space, you’ll just have to put a bug under the kitchen table or behind the therapist’s fish tank. Now you can get into that privileged territory of secret plans, sordid pasts and private pain. Instead of thinking up a backstory for your character, listen in as she divulges her childhood trauma to her psychologist. Or write what you hear as she whispers her most fragile longings to her secret lover, or unloads her guilt onto a priest. 

And above all, make it fun.

About the Book

Frank Adams Series, Book One

Genre: Murder Mystery, Thriller

Date Published: 16th May 2023

Publisher: BQB Publishing

It was cold and rainy, with low visibility. A perfect morning for sabotage. The company jet carrying a Senior VP mysteriously crashes shortly after taking off from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) says it was an accident. The victim’s wife says it was murder. Frank Adams, an independent aviation accident investigator has been hired to find out. Mounting evidence and an additional murder convince Adams that there was indeed foul play. 

As what seemed to be disparate events become increasingly linked, Frank reveals a crime of international dimensions. Accustomed to working independently, Frank is forced to call on the help of an old girlfriend as well as a retired DC cop. But unraveling the truth could cost him his life as well as the lives of his friends.

About the Author

A retired Aviation Safety Inspector for the FAA, Daniel V. Meier, Jr. has always had a passion for writing. During his college years, he studied History at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington (UNCW) and American Literature at The University of Maryland Graduate School.  In 1980 he published an Action/Thriller, Mendosa’s Treasure, with Leisure Books under the pen name of Vince Daniels.
He worked briefly for the Washington Business Journal as a journalist and has been a contributing writer/editor for several aviation magazines. Guidance to Death is a return to a favorite genre of his, Action/Thriller with the added intrigue of Murder/Mystery.
Other books by Dan are Blood Before Dawn, the sequel to the award-winning novel, The Dung Beetles of Liberia. Bloodroot, also an Historical novel is about the Jamestown settlement in the early 1600’s and No Birds Sing Here, is a work of Satirical Literary Fiction.
Dan and his wife live in Owings, Maryland, about twenty miles south of Annapolis and when he’s not writing, they spend their summers sailing on the Chesapeake Bay.

Contact Links

Website: https://danielmeierauthor.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danielmeierauthor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorMeier

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/53590968-daniel-meier-jr

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dvmeierjr/

Purchase Links

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[Pre-order]: Dive Beyond Eternity is available for pre-order now

I’m happy to announce that DIVE BEYOND ETERNITY, my fast-paced, dark, reality-bending, nautical sci-fi/thriller novel, is available for pre-order now.

About the Book

Genre: Sci-fi, Dark thriller

Publication Date: 20th July 2023

Publisher: Northodox Press

Historian Zara Rose is hired to investigate the discovery of an undamaged German U-boat in the North Sea. There she discovers Die Fledermaus, a Nazi superweapon powered by an unstable black matter, capable of transporting its passengers through time.

After accidentally triggering the device, Zara travels to the past where she meets the mysterious Der Meister, a physicist who created the weapon. When a colleague vanishes with the device, Zara and her fellow historian Stefan Krause help a shadowy agency apprehend the thief.

In the wrong hand’s the device could rewrite history or kill countless millions. Can Zara find Die Fledermaus before Der Meister’s visions of a renewed Third Reich can be brought to its terrible fruition?

Pre-order Links:

Northodox Press:

Paperback: https://www.northodox.co.uk/product-page/dive-beyond-eternity-paperback-pre-order

Ebook: https://www.northodox.co.uk/product-page/dive-beyond-eternity-ebook-pre-order


